Effectively Learn New Language Using Subtitles

Learning a different language can be very exciting. It focuses our brains in all the right directions and excites us to become more versed. When studying a foreign language, it’s necessary to have a lot of exposure to it. A common way to test yourself is to watch content in the foreign language you intend to learn, like in movies, television shows, and now your favorite vlogs in social media platforms. It can be challenging as you’re being presented to the language spoken by natives, who may be applying slang or babbling, which can be hard to follow. But, did you know that subtitles are the most excellent solution to your learning issues?

How Beneficial Are Subtitles

The first notable advantage of utilizing subtitles is that they offer valuable resources in your target language, despite your proficiency level.

As the most significant goal of language learning, which is to understand native speakers, it’s necessary to listen to live speeches and conversations by natives. But, for beginners, this is usually too challenging. However, subtitling advances that type of content understandable even for new learners.

Additionally, watching subtitled media is a straightforward approach to transition to watching totally in your preferred language. If you haven’t seen much actual content before, it can be daunting, even if you’ve read the language for years. Still, if you start by watching subtitled content, you can gain the skills you want to understand real speech in a more supportive, less intimidating, and absolutely entertaining connection.

You can decide to make the subtitled content as simple or as challenging as you need, so it’s ideal for everyone. If you want your viewing to be light, you can read simply along as you watch. If you want a tricky challenge, you can intentionally turn off or disregard the subtitling for short periods. You can concentrate on the spoken language while understanding that the subtitles are waiting for you if you require help.

Foreign-Language Subtitles And Native-Language Subtitles

According to studies, it’s more helpful to use foreign-language subtitles when watching foreign-language content. However, the advantages of making this only stretch to some perspectives of the learning process.

It’s better to use foreign-language subtitles instead of native language subtitles, even if the distinction isn’t that huge. Besides, bear in mind that your choice could depend on how well you articulate the foreign language.

While foreign-language subtitles point to more significant learning outcomes for most individuals, beginners might struggle. With such consideration, if you have limited ability in your target language, you should first use subtitles in your native language until you seem sufficient with having both the audio and the subtitles in the foreign language.

Step-by-step Guide To Learn From Subtitles Effectively

Splitting Movie Parts

Movies, TV Series, and even vlogs may take longer than expected, so watching for a couple of hours straight can be overwhelming. Plus, watching it all continuously might cause brain fatigue that for sure, you’ll miss a lot of details.

That’s why it’s most helpful to split whatever you’re viewing into parts. This prevents you from becoming confused and demotivated, but it’ll also provide plenty of time to grasp the language.

To do so, pick a length of time you think seems convenient. For TV or movies, you might choose to break them down into scenes. Otherwise, you might establish a specific time, like every five minutes. Once you’ve decided how you want to split whatever you’re watching, you can smoothly go over and practice the following suggestions and methods to improve your learning experience.

Watching Without Subtitles

If you have already set the parts of the movie to watch, do not use subtitles first. Some devices enable you to adjust the settings so they won’t appear on the screen. If not, try your best to disregard them.

Evading the subtitles will assist you in focusing entirely on the language itself. Try to learn as much as you can. If you miss some words, it’s not an issue, and you don’t need to settle on, but to concentrate on overall comprehension. If you’ve just begun learning the language, center on ingesting the accent and remarking repeated sounds.

This gives you practice understanding the language without any assistance, but it’ll also help you evaluate your skill level. The more frequently you practice watching videos, the more you’ll plausibly understand in your first viewing.

Rewatching Split Parts With Subtitles

After watching the video in your targeted language, view it again with subtitles. This is to understand better what the content is all about. You can opt to watch it first with your native subtitles, then switch to your targeted foreign-language.

Regardless of the system you prefer, switching between subtitle options will benefit you practice a more extensive array of skills while assuring that you fully understand the content. Additionally, if you shift between the different options, you can ascertain what option works best for your needs, interests, and skill level.

Taking Note Of Interesting Words And Grammars

For sure, you’ve probably noticed some new words and grammar rules as you watch. Don’t take this for granted. Appreciating this will support you to build your language skills actively.

Either slangs, synonyms, and verb conjugations are all you can learn by watching foreign films with subtitles. Aside from that, you’ll be aware of new cultures and practices from these foreign countries.

Other Methods

You may have watched those videos, but another point to consider is to sort out if the subtitles are accurate. Some subtitles may have been generated by auto translators that we all know are not too reliable, or perhaps, correctly transcribed into the screen.

Another way to practice is to make your own effort. The guides mentioned above are totally helpful when learning new languages. If you are aiming to learn faster and easier, you can opt to check for auto video subtitles generator available online. This is exceptionally helpful, especially when you want to learn the accent and proper articulation of words.

  1. Pick the best scene that you think you enjoyed the most and the part you want to learn.
  2. Cut this part and upload it to the auto subtitle generator tool like SubtitleBee.
  3. From there, you’ll see transcribed words from the speaker.
  4. Read and compare those words from the video if those are correctly generated.
  5. This will exercise your comprehension with the language you are targeting to learn that will help you advance your skill faster and efficiently by checking accuracy.


When it comes to learning, the main factor you should focus on is extending the time spent engaging with the content in your foreign language. When it comes to deciding which subtitles to use, choose the ones that boost your impulse to watch things in your foreign language, since the more content you watch, the faster and more you will learn.

Remember that the most critical part to consider concerning selecting which subtitles to use is your motivation to involve in the learning process. If you don’t engage with the video material in the target language, you won’t be competent to learn it.

If you think content is too complicated, it’s more helpful to switch to something you’re pleased with, as long as you’re engaging with foreign-language material to some extent. However, be conscious that language learning can be confusing sometimes, and that eventually, you require to proceed to the more complex content, even if it seems scary at first.



Subtitlebee — Auto Video Subtitle Generator

Subtitlebee is the latest video subtitles generator that automatically adds subtitles to your videos with just a few clicks. #subtitlebee #autosubtitlegenerator